Well isn’t this interesting — with just about five days to go until Google’s I/O conference, the company may have just accidentally spilled the beans about their next big Android release. For a brief time, users who tried to purchase an unlocked Galaxy Nexus from the Google Play store was greeted by a blurb describing the device as the “the first phone with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean.”

Assuming this isn’t just some random mistake, Google has confirmed what nearly all of us expected their new update to be called, though there’s sadly little other information to go on at this point. Going off of past experience though, don’t expect Verizon’s LTE-enabled version of the Galaxy Nexus to get the update quite as quickly as its unlocked cousin.
Alas, Google seems to have caught wise to the error, as anyone who puts a Galaxy Nexus in their cart and tries to check out will no longer see the telltale description. Still, a peculiar little screenshot is still visible, and a (much) closer look reveals what appear to be a few minor changes from the Ice Cream Sandwich UI we know and love. Droid-Life points out that the slightly different Google search bar aligned along the stop of the screen bears a vague resemblance to the one seen in a screenshot Google released to promote their updated Google I/O app.
It’s possible that we’re all just reading way too much into this little image, but the phone’s description and the fact that Google’s I/O is right around the corner may mean that some poor soul in Mountain View just jumped the gun a little bit.